Discovering Opportunities in Brazil - Economics
Report on the main Economic activities of Brazil
The enormous diversity of Brazil is not only present in the traditions,
the gastronomy and the landscapes. The way each of the five regions leads in
the economic landscape presents a variety of different segments. Ranging from the
automobile industry, aircraft construction, soya bean cultivation, production
of consumer electronics, pig and cattle farming.
Among the states of Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, soya
production stands out, as well as rice, wheat and viticulture. Other
strongholds in the region are poultry farming, swine farming and cattle
breeding. Soya beans and meats Brazil has 26 states and Brasília, Federal District are the main export guidelines, sold to
countries, Middle Eastern countries, China and the United States. The timber
industry contributes to the furniture sector, whose largest park is in Santa
Catarina, in addition to pulp production. Rio Grande do Sul is the largest wine
producer in Brazil.
Considered the strongest region economically it includes São Paulo, Rio
de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. The Southeast stands out in the cultivating
and production of cane sugar, which is used widely to produce fuel in the
country, commonly called ethanol. Beef farming is the second most important
agricultural product in the region. Other products being cotton, peanuts,
coffee, corn, cassava, rice, beans, soybeans, rice and oranges. Dairy farming
is one of the largest in the country, with the consequent installation of dairy
and cold storage industries, mainly concentrated in Minas Gerais. Among the
main industrial segments are the construction of aircraft, made by the
Brazilian Aeronautics Company (Embraer), and petroleum production. The aviation
sector is one of the most technologically developed being responsible for a
large part of the export market. In addition to airplanes, the region still produces
and exports cargo and passenger vehicles, land machinery, crude oil and
agricultural products such as beef, pork and chicken, coffee beans, soybeans.
It also sells rations of animals, fruit juices and iron ore to countries in Latin
America, Asia, Europe and Central America.
The Midwest region consists of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás
and the Federal District, and is mainly agricultural, representing the largest
producers of grains in Brazil. Including soya bean, maize and rice. The production of cotton and soybean are is the fourth largest in the
world. The product is the flagship of exports to China
and the United States, but is also sold to the domestic market. The region has
the largest cattle herd in the country, exported to European countries, China
and the United States. Also worthy of mention is the food, fertilizer and
refrigeration industries.
The Northeastern region is highly represented by sugarcane production
and includes the states of Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte.
Exporting and selling to the national market sugar cane-based industrialized
products such as table sugar and alcohol. The main industry is the automotive
one, in addition this region is also strong in the textile and footwear
industries, located in different northeastern states. The region has the
greatest potential for tourism, given its characteristics, paradisiacal beaches
and proximity to both Europe and North America. Although it is not the most
sought after by travelers, since São Paulo is more widely known and therefore
receives most of the tourists, especially those on business here to research
the market.
Source: Cartola - Content Agency
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